Raw Land



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The following guidelines are subject to change by the
Board of Directors of Colville Tribal Credit Corporation.

The Colville Confederated Tribes has determined that the purchase and retention of tribal member owned properties within the Reservation boundaries are a priority for our reservation.  To assist in purchasing and retaining these properties, Colville Tribal Credit has developed a Land Purchase program that encourages tribal members to purchase land.

Eligible applicants include enrolled Colville Tribal members over the age of 18 and their spouse, if married.

How do I apply?

To apply for this loan, an applicant must submit the following:

  • Completed and signed loan application.
  • Income verification (recent pay stubs or two years of IRS tax returns)
  • Purchase and Sales Agreement between buyer and seller
  • Trust land sales must have Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approval

If I already have a loan with Colville Tribal Credit, can I apply for a land purchase loan?

Yes, an applicant may apply if they currently have a loan with Colville Tribal Credit; however, all loan advances must fit within debt/income ratios and other guidelines established by Colville Tribal Credit. 

How much money can I apply for?

  • The amount of money Colville Tribal Credit can loan depends on the appraised value of  the property.  The maximum loan is limited to 90% of appraised value.  For  example:  If the land appraises for $50,000, the maximum Colville Tribal Credit will lend  is $45,000.  Tribal Credit does not finance the loan fees or down payment for the  loan.
  • The maximum loan amount is $250,000.

Do I have to live in Washington state?

No, the applicant does not have to reside in Washington state, but the property must be within the boundaries of the Colville Indian Reservation.

Do I need to obtain insurance on the land?

If the land does not contain building improvements, insurance is not required.

Do I need to obtain an appraisal on the land?

Yes, the property needs to have a current appraisal on the property.  The appraisal must be completed by a certified, licensed appraiser or a BIA appraiser (trust land).

Please contact the Real Estate Loan Officer at 509 634-2662 for more information.

NOTE:  Land purchases within Washington state but outside the boundaries of the Colville Indian Reservation will be handled through the commercial real estate loan program which has different guidelines including a 25% down payment, 360 month terming, 75% loan to value, and interest rate tied to the prime rate.  Please contact the Commercial Loan Officer at 509 634-2657 for further details of this program.

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