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The following guidelines are subject to change by the
Board of Directors of Colville Tribal Credit Corporation.

This loan program will provide funding for the purchase of computers either through the Colville Confederated Tribe’s program or outside vendors.

  • Eligible applicants include enrolled members of the Colville Confederated Tribes and businesses that meet the requirements of a tribal member owned business. Applicants must meet all debt/income ratio guidelines, length of employment and credit history guidelines of Tribal Credit.
  • There is no Washington state residency requirement.

How do I apply?

To apply for this loan, the applicant must submit the following:

  • Completed and signed loan application
  • Verification of income ( current pay stubs or two years of IRS tax returns)
  • Invoice for the purchase of the computer

If I already have a loan with Colville Tribal Credit, can I apply for a computer loan?

Yes, an applicant may apply if they currently have a loan with Tribal Credit; however, all loan advances must fit within debt/income ratios and other guidelines established by Tribal Credit. The applicant must pay any computer purchase loan in full before a new computer purchase loan will be considered.


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